Date: 1742
"Not all the chains that tyrants use / Shall bind their souls to vice."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1742
"He binds my Name upon his Arm, / And seals it on his Heart."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1742
"No more shall trickling Sorrows roll / Thro' those dear Windows of his Soul."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1742
"[H]e bewailed her Loss with Groans, which would have pierced any Heart but those which are possessed by some People, and are made of a certain Composition not unlike Flint in its Hardness and other Properties; for you may strike Fire from them which will dart through the Eyes, but they can never...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"He had never contracted a Debt in his Life, and was consequently the less ready at an Expedient to extricate himself. Tow-wouse was willing to give him Credit 'till next time, to which Mrs. Tow-wouse would probably have consented (for such was Joseph's Beauty, that it had ma...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"By Him instructed, even the meanest Prince / Shall rise to envy'd Greatness, shall advance / His dreaded Pow'r above Restraint and Fear, / And all the Rules, that in fantastick Chains / Inferior Minds confine."
preview | full record— West, Gilbert (1703-1756)
Date: 1742
"[A]nd when they perceive him so different from what he hath been described, all Gentleness, Softness, Kindness, Tenderness, Fondness, their dreadful Apprehensions vanish in a moment; and now (it being usual with the human Mind to skip from one Extreme to its Opposite, as easily, and almost as su...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"But as it happens to Persons, who have in their Infancy been thoroughly frightned with certain no Persons called Ghosts, that they retain their Dread of those Beings, after they are convinced that there are no such things; so these young Ladies, tho' they no longer apprehend devouring, cannot so...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"The same Mistakes may likewise be observed in Scarron, the Arabian Nights, the 'History of Marianne' and 'Le Paisan Parvenu', and perhaps some few other Writers of this Class, whom I have not read, or do not at present recollect; for I would by no means be thought to comprehend those great ...
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1742
"So should all speak: so Reason speaks in all. / From the soft whispers of that god in man, / Why fly to Folly, why to Frenzy fly, / For rescue from the blessing we possess?"
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)