Date: 1679
Reason, Innocence, and Love divide the empire and preside "o're th' Inferiour Appetite"
preview | full record— Woodford, Samuel (1636-1700)
Date: 1679
"From Heav'n was with a Silver Cord let down, / And into the Souls mass divinely thrown, / To be its Salt, miraculously contriv'd"
preview | full record— Woodford, Samuel (1636-1700)
Date: 1679
The eyes are "False mirrors of an Heart, which deeper lies."
preview | full record— Woodford, Samuel (1636-1700)
Date: 1680
Alll "base drossy thoughts, that soil'd the life and lustre of [one's] Judgement may vanish
preview | full record— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)
Date: 1680
"Beauty, Love, Constancy, and Wit" may crown the heart
preview | full record— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)
Date: 1680
Faults may be blotted from the breast
preview | full record— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)
Date: 1680
"Art thou with pow'r come down to make us leave / Those conquer'd Souls, which by our wiles we have / Fetter'd, with a design to make them be / Companions with us in our misery"?
preview | full record— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)
Date: 1680
"So week and feeble I am grown, / Wasted to nothing, ev'ry bone / Disjoynted, from its place doth start, / Like Wax dissolv'd so is my Heart."
preview | full record— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)
Date: 1680
"Those worthy deeds which he hath wrought / Within each breast, have left behind / Impressions, time can never blot."
preview | full record— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)
Date: 1680
"Those worthy deeds which he hath wrought / VVithin each breast, have left behind / Impressions, time can never blot"
preview | full record— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)