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Date: 1766

Dimples may make an absolute conquest of some man's heart

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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Date: 1766

A father may think it his duty to conquer faults in his child "which, when strengthened by time and habit, must prove incorrigible"

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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Date: 1766

One "might find it necessary to his ease, to conquer passions which he durst not indulge"

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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Date: 1766, 1806

"WITH falsehood lurking in thy sordid breast, / And perj'ry's seal upon thy heart imprest, / Dar'st thou, Oh Christian! brave the sounding waves, / The treach'rous whirlwinds, and untrophied graves?"

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1766

"These are the marks which heav'n itself design'd, / The sterling standards of the human mind"

— Jemmat [née Yeo], Catherine (bap. 1714, d. 1766?)

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Date: 1766

"[I]t was a truth her reason could more easily perceive, than her heart feel, for it was steeled by habit"

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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Date: 1766, 1806

"Let this pervade at length thy heart of steel; / Yet, yet return, nor blush, Oh man! to feel."

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1766

"Now Brag the beaut'ous sex controuls, / And is the window to their souls."

— Jemmat [née Yeo], Catherine (bap. 1714, d. 1766?)

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Date: 1766

"For Brag [a card game] most wisely was design'd, / To shew each pimple of the mind, / The faithful mirror of the heart, / Each lurking foible to impart."

— Jemmat [née Yeo], Catherine (bap. 1714, d. 1766?)

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Date: 1766

One may suffer in the interior of his or her heart by the decease of another

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.