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Date: 1620

"For whereas in this first book of aphorisms I proposed to prepare men's minds as well for understanding as for receiving what is to follow; now that I have purged and swept and levelled the floor of the mind, it remains that I place the mind in a good position and as it were in a favourable aspe...

— Bacon, Sir Francis, Lord Verulam (1561-1626)

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Date: 1620

"And the human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolours the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it."

— Bacon, Sir Francis, Lord Verulam (1561-1626)

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Date: 1621

"And such are those, whose wily, waxen minde /Takes every Seal, and sails with every Winde"

— Sylvester, Joshua (1562/3-;1618)

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Date: 1621

One may have " A waxen mildnes in a steely minde"

— Sylvester, Joshua (1562/3-;1618)

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Date: 1621

One may have "A soule tra-lucent in an open brest"

— Sylvester, Joshua (1562/3-;1618)

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Date: 1621

" It was (as I said) once well agreeing with reason, and there was an excellent consent and harmony between them, but that is now dissolved, they often jar, reason is overborne by passion: Fertur equis auriga, nec audit currus habenas, as so many wild horses run away with a chariot, and will not ...

— Burton, Robert (1577-1640)

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Date: 1623

"[Conscience is a book] euen in thine owne bosome, written by the finger of God, in such plaine Characters, and so legible, that though thou knowest not a letter in any other booke, yet thou maist reade this"

— Carpenter, Richard (1575-1627)

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Date: 1623

Conscience is "the Lord-Keeper, the Chancellor ... who keepeth a Chancery in the soule of man"

— Bourne, Immanuel (1590-1672)

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Date: 1623

Conscience is "a noble and divine power and faculty, planted of God in the substance of a mans soule, working upon it selfe by reflection, and taking exact notice, as a Scribe or Register, and determingin Gods Viceroy and deputy, Judge of all that is in the mind, will, affections, actions, and th...

— Carpenter, Richard (1575-1627)

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Date: 1623

Conscience is "a noble and divine power and faculty, planted of God in the substance of a mans soule, working upon it selfe by reflection, and taking exact notice, as a Scribe or Register, and determingin Gods Viceroy and deputy, Judge of all that is in the mind, will, affections, actions, and th...

— Carpenter, Richard (1575-1627)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.