Date: 1728
"Or canst Thou judge, by partial Passion blind?"
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1728
"At once thy small, yet glorious Dart / Shall conquer Love's, and Laura's Heart."
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1728
"Gold has no Lustre to the Souls of Man, / Gold is but tempting to our worldly Eye"
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1728, 1740
"Savage their nature, and their hearts of stone; / Their houses brass, of brass the warlike blade"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)
Date: 1729
"To Coin, like Man, a little Ape, / 'Gainst Heaven is High-Treason"
preview | full record— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Date: 1729
"Secondly, 'Tis just matter of wonder & astonishment that ever one spark of faith was kindled in such an heart as thine is; [end page 124] an heart which had no predisposition or inclination in the least to believe; yea, it was not rasa tabula, like clean paper, void of any impression of f...
preview | full record— Flavell, John (bap. 1630, d. 1691)
Date: 1729, 1731
"Thus after long Experience oft has prov'd / His steady Virtue is not to be moved, / Of his known Faithfulness so well assur'd, / From Fears of Fraud his Master rests secur'd: / And, should Occasion happen, in his Breast, / His Gold, his Secrets, or his Life might rest."
preview | full record— Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764)
Date: 1729, 1737
"But now no longer mine, / The Reins of Empire I resign: / Let Men submit to Reason's rules, / And be at least designing fools."
preview | full record— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)
Date: 1729, 1737
"She laugh'd at all the puny Arts, / Which conquer other Female Hearts"
preview | full record— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)
Date: 1729, 1737
" 'Why wouldst thou follow with delusive Art, / 'So poor a Conquest as a female heart?"
preview | full record— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)