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Date: 1720

"After I had made proper Impressions on his Mind, of the Terror of his Punishment, and found that he was sufficiently humbled by it, I went into the House, and caus'd him to be brought out, just as they do when they go to Correct the Negroes on such Occasions; when he was strip'd and ty'd up, he ...

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1720

"Then I was to argue with them, and Work upon their Reason, to make the Mercy that was shew'd them sink deep into their Minds, and give lasting Impressions; explain the Meaning of Gratitude to them, and the Nature of an Obligation, and the like, as I had done with Mouchat."

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1720

"If it should be enquir'd, how I was capable of hearing all this, and having no Impressions made upon my Mind by it, especially, when it so many ways suited my own Case, and the Condition of the former part of my Life; I shall answer that presently by it self."

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1721

"My Heart do's like soft Wax relent, / And midst my Bowels flow"

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1721

" Oh! seal me, stamp me on thy tender Mind, / And leave the strong Impression deep behind."

— Croxall, Samuel (1688/9-1752); Nestor Ironside

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Date: 1721

" And see how Nature, bountiful and kind, / Stamps the Paternal Image on his Mind"

— Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748)

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Date: 1721

"Belinda, much confused, looked first on him, then on her Mother, remaining silent, seized with a Passion she had been a Stranger to till that Moment. "

— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)

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Date: 1721

"This, of all Vice, does most debase the Mind, / Gold is itself th'Allay to Human-kind."

— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)

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Date: w. 1721 [published 1907]

"And if again, pray mind, Thy head and Mine / Are form'd and stuff'd quite diff'rent from each other; / *I n'er shal understand one single line,/ Thô I shou'd read thy Folio ten times over."

— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)

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Date: w. 1721

"As running Streams their parted Waters spread / Adown the hill or thrô the flow'ry Mead* / Here rising bold and Turbulent in waves* / There sunk in Sand or sunk in Rocky Caves* / The human Eye may still collect and bring* / To their first Murmur and Original spring:* / So from the various...

— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.