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Date: 1713

"His Passions and his Virtues lie confused, / And mixt together in so wild a Tumult, / That the whole Man is quite disfigur'd in him."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"Ev'n now, while thus I stand blest in thy Presence, / A secret Damp of Grief comes o'er my Thoughts, / And I'm unhappy, tho' thou smilest upon me."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"The Mist that hung about my Mind clear's up; / And now, athwart the Terrors that thy Vow / Has planted round thee, thou appear'st more fair, / More amiable, and risest in thy Charms."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"I've been surprized in an unguarded Hour, / But must not now go back: The Love, that lay / Half smother'd in my Breast, has broke through all / Its weak Restraints, and burn's in its full Lustre, / I cannot, if I wou'd, conceal it from thee."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"But oh! my Friends, your Safety fills my Heart / With anxious Thoughts: A thousand secret Terrors, / Rise in my Soul."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"And yet methinks a Beam of Light breaks in / On my departing Soul."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713

"Why will you fight against so sweet a Passion, / And steel your Heart to such a World of Charms?"

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1713, 1719

"Try the blest Change, and quit your Gown / To share the Pleasures of the Poor; / There free from Pomp and Equipage, carouse, / Unlade your Mind of Business, and unbend your Brows."

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1713

"[I]mpetuous Passions" may "toss the Soul, /And Tides of boiling Blood reluctant roll."

— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)

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Date: 1713

"Imperial Reason keeps her awful Throne, / Above the Tumult reigns unmov'd alone: / At her Command intestine Discords cease, / And all th' inferiour Pow'rs lie hush'd in Peace."

— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.