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Date: 1709

"Never was Man more Gene'rous, Just and Brave, / With Pleasure less seduc'd, or less his Passions Slave."

— Gould, Robert (b. 1660?, d. in or before 1709)

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Date: 1709

"O stamp upon my Soul / Some blissful Image of the fair Deceas'd / To call my Passions and my Eyes aside / From the dear breathless Clay."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709

"Ay me! Where roves my Fancy! What kind Dreams / Crowd with sweet Violence on my waking Mind!"

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709

"Bring down the Piece,Urania, from Above, / And let my HONOUR and my LOVE / Dress it with Chains of Gold to hang upon my Heart."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709

"I know the Kindred-Mind. 'Tis she, 'tis she; / Among the Heav'nly Forms I see / The Kindred-Mind from fleshly Bondage free."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709

"Joy must beat high in ev'ry vein, / Pleasure thro' all thy bosom reign;"

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709

"'But oh the crowds of wretched souls / 'Fetter'd to minds of different moulds, / 'And chain'd t'eternal strife!'"

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709, 1810

"When I view my spacious soul, / And survey myself awhole, / And enjoy myself alone, / I'm a kingdom of my own."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709, 1810

"I've a mighty part within / That the world hath never seen, / Rich as Eden's happy ground, / And with choicer plenty crown'd: / Here on all the shining boughs / Knowledge fair and useful grows; / On the same young flow'ry tree / All the seasons you may see; / Notions in the bloom of light, / Jus...

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1709, 1810

"Here in a green and shady grove, / Streams of pleasure mix with love: / There beneath the smiling skies / Hills of contemplation rise."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.