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Date: 1696

"A Scene of greatness strait appear'd to Melora; and she with the Eye of Fancy, beheld her self seated in a Palace, attended by persons, born above her."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"My Lord, said that charming Maid, were I to behold a Man Masculine, yet Beautiful, Great, yet truly Brave; A Prince whose Virtues, brighter than his Diadems, appear; one more glorious than boundless Fancy can to the thinking Mind depaint; and, not convinc'd by signal proofs, his heart inclin'd, ...

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"Is your heart made of that impenetrable Mould, that Sighs and Prayers are vain Batteries; or doth some hidden happy Youth rob me of my desir'd Prize? She blusht at that, and he observ'd it."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"My longing looks devour your Charms; my Sighs redouble at your sight; and every Motion shows the Fires of my Soul!"

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"Oh! Bileront (went he on, his Eyes sparkling with the same Passion, his heart was full of) Methinks I cou'd do wonders for my Love, wou'd she consent!"

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"Though, witness ye Powers (said she, looking up;) who, with ease can view the inmost Recesses of my Soul; and plainly see what's Acted there: Witness, I say, if I not rejoice, that Prince Emilius to Duty, and to Reason yields; quitting the Weight, the Burthen insupportable of Blind impetuous Pas...

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"'Twas not with ease the Usurper got Possession here (went she on; pointing to her Heart) nor will he be with ease dislodg'd. All the Sighs and Tears it cost Emilius to gain this Virgin Heart, to bind it in the Inchanting Chains of Tyrannick Love; I must, with Interest, pay back, e'er I can set t...

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"And for the Ease of my divided Heart, which with unbated Passion still will heave and swell, and pant at thought of thee, give me thy Promise to keep thy Faith inviolate."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"This shall be the Banquet of my Mind, all Times, besides those Devoted to my Sighs, and Sadness!"

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"Sure (replies Melora calmly) you take me for some other Person, since I dare boldly say, my Conscience, my Soul's faithful Register, does not accuse me with so much Injustice, as ever to have an Inclination to Curse a Stranger, much less one who bears the Religious Show; which I, in all Persons,...

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.