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Date: 1693

"Thy Wit and Beauty charm'd my panting Breast, / And first inspir'd thy Love into my heart! Which Was till then a stranger:"

— Higden, Henry (bap. 1645)

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Date: 1693

"My heart is now calm and even like a standing water, and I could wish it would so remain, without the Flux, and Reflux of a passionate tyde agitated and driven at the mercy of the winds; sometimes rising with the floods of Joy, above the banks of moderation: and afterwards discending into the Gu...

— Higden, Henry (bap. 1645)

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Date: 1693

"The Love I owe my Husband, is a seperate duty, and does not interfer with our Friendship: which like a chain firmly unites our hearts, whereon the least stroak given, is by both sensibly felt."

— Higden, Henry (bap. 1645)

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Date: 1693

"But thou, my Dear, hast found the only Art, / At once to Conquer and Enjoy my Heart"

— Ames, Richard (bap. 1664?, d. 1692)

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Date: 1693

"New-minted Mischeifs rumble in his brain, / Each false Stamp'd Coin is melted down again, / 'Till refin'd Fancy fix'd on Woman."

— Ames, Richard (bap. 1664?, d. 1692)

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Date: 1694

On may achieve a "noble conquest" over his own passions

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1694

"Pray mind me, Sir, to shew my Shape and Aire; that as the Loadstone does the Obedient Iron--should draw by force to me all Hearts but yours--."

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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Date: 1694, 1704

"If we give way to our Passions, we do but gratify our selves for the present, in order to our future disquiet; but if we resist and conquer them, we lay the foundation of perpetual peace and tranquillity in our minds."

— Tillotson, John (1630–1694)

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Date: 1694, 1704

"If we govern ourselves in the use of sensual delight, by the Laws of God and reason, we shall find ourselves more at ease than if we should let loose the reins to our appetites and lusts."

— Tillotson, John (1630–1694)

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Date: 1694, 1704

"Crescit indulgens sibi dirus hydrops, every lust is a kind of hydropick distemper, and the more we drink the more we shall thirst."

— Tillotson, John (1630–1694)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.