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Date: 1666

"Slow as a Drug, that in the body lies, / Our Phansy works; yours, like a Spirit, flyes"

— Killigrew, Sir William (bap. 1606, d. 1695)

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Date: 1666

"'Twill much oblige the Nation, for they'l finde / Your Play stampt with the Figure of your Minde;"

— Killigrew, Sir William (bap. 1606, d. 1695)

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Date: 1673

Modest "is indeed a vertu of a general influence; does not only ballast the mind with sober and humble thoughts of ones self, but also steers every part of the outward frame."

— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)

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Date: 1673

" For tho the adulterations of art, can represent in the same Face beauty in one position, and deformity in another, yet nature is more sincere, and never meant a serene and clear forhead, should be the frontispiece to a cloudy tempestuous heart."

— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)

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Date: 1675

"Thou say'st, the spirit is a silent voyce, / VVhence is it then thou mak'st so great a noyse?"

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"Well, since that thou dost thus desire to know / What I do Judge this Light within will do; / To satisfie thee I will make no doubt: / Man by this Light may find a God-head out."

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"Gods works don't teach [the manner of worship}, nor this Law of th'mind; / For if it would, Scriptures need not 'been pen'd,"

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"They were i'th' dark, their heart was a dark room, / Till saving grace from God did thither come."

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"True faith within, doth but apply, / Unto the soul, the soveraign remedy; / 'Tis as a door, or like a window bright, / Which to dark souls lets in the precious light"

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"But when Christ's spirit comes i'th' soul to be, / From sin and bondage Christ doth set it free."

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.