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Date: Friday, April 21, 1727

"For though it is generally believed that few Statesmen are much afflicted with this terrible Inmate; yet, upon a careful Inspection of human Nature, I find it to be a vulgar Error; and am fully satisfied that, notwithstanding the outward placid Behaviour and smiling Aspect of t...

— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]

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Date: 1728

"F. Mallebranch, with the Spirit of a Cartesian, denies that a Man who thinks seriously on the Matter, can doubt but the Essence of the Mind consists altogether in Thought, as that of Matter does in Extension; and that according to the various modifications of Thought,...

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680-1740)

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Date: 1728

"SENSORY, or Sensorium Commune, the Seat of the Common Sense; or that Part where the sensible Soul is supposed more immediately to reside."

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680-1740)

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Date: 1728

"Is not such a rational Benevolence more agreeable to rational Natures, and more meritorious than a blind Instinct that we have in common with inferior Creatures, and which operates, as it were, mechanically, both on their Minds and ours?"

— Balguy, John (1686-1748)

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Date: 1728

"'Tis pleasant to trace the Mind bundling up its Ideas, and giving Names to the several Parcels; to observe, for instance, how it proceeds from the simple Idea, Thinking, to the more complex one, Knowledge, thence to the more complex, a Science, thence farther to Scientifical, &c."

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680?–1740)

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Date: 1728

"IMPRESSION, a Term in Philosophy, apply'd to the Species of Objects, which are supposed to make some Mark or Impression on the Senses, the Mind, and the Memory."

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680?–1740)

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Date: 1728

"Observe by the way, That all the Organs consist of little Threads, or Nerves; which have their Origine in the Middle of the Brain, are diffused thence throughout all the Members which have any Sense, and terminate in the exterior Parts of the Body: That when we are in Health, and awake, one End ...

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680?–1740)

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Date: 1728

"All these Things shew evidently, that the Soul resides immediately in that Part of the Brain wherein the Nerves of all the Organs of Sense terminate: we mean 'tis there it perceives all the Changes that happen with regard to the Objects that cause them, or that have been used to cause them; and,...

— Chambers, Ephraim (1680?–1740)

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Date: 1729

"Secondly, 'Tis just matter of wonder & astonishment that ever one spark of faith was kindled in such an heart as thine is; [end page 124] an heart which had no predisposition or inclination in the least to believe; yea, it was not rasa tabula, like clean paper, void of any impression of f...

— Flavell, John (bap. 1630, d. 1691)

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Date: 1729

"We have a faint Image of these Operations in Hawking: For Memory may be justly compar'd to the Dog that beats the Field, or the Wood, and that starts the Game; Imagination to the Falcon that clips it upon its Pinions after it; and Judgment to the Falconer, who directs the Flight, and who governs...

— Dennis, John (1658-1734)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.