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Date: 1810

"Had Bethlehem's star, of humble swains the guide; / Of souls, unclouded with pedantick pride; / On thee benighted, beamed, with friendly ray, / With all the light of evangelick day; / Ideas, in thy brain, had held no dance / Of anarchy, thou citizen of France!"

— Stockdale, Percival (1736-1811)

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Date: 1815

The wavering motions of the mind are like "quivering light" reflected off a confined "crystal flood" in a brass cistern

— Cowper, William (1731-1800)

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Date: 1888

"I thank whatever gods may be / For my unconquerable soul."

— Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903)

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Date: 1888

"It matters not how strait the gate, / How charged with punishments the scroll, / I am the master of my fate: / I am the captain of my soul."

— Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.