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Date: 1789

"I bid the traitor Love, adieu! / Who to this fond, believing bosom came, / A guest insidious and untrue, / With Pity's soothing voice--in Friendship's name."

— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)

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Date: 1789

"Alas! these joys are mine in dreams alone, / When cruel Reason abdicates her throne!"

— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)

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Date: w. 1789, 1804

"Heav'n's pure Word would prompt Affection win, / And purge the Soul from all polluting Sin; / Till, like a faithful mirror Man would shine, / By Wisdom polish'd, and by Grace, divine."

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: w. 1789, 1804

"Can Mammon's votaries vainly hope to bind, / In shining shackles, his immortal Mind?"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: w. 1789, 1804

"While Vanity unveils her whiffling flags, / Her glittering trinkets, and her tawdry rags-- / Spreads spangled nets, and fills her philter'd bowl, / To fix each Sense, and fascinate the Soul-- / Her birdlime twigs contrived with such sly Art, / That while they tangle thoughts, they trap the heart...

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1790

"In the deep caverns of Despair ye lay: / She, iron-hearted mother, never pressed / Your wasted forms with transport to her breast."

— Bowles, William Lisle (1762-1850)

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Date: 1790

Custom "wars with Wit for Empire o'er the mind / Fights to the last unknowing how to yield, / And inch by inch disputes the mental field"

— Williams, John [pseud. Anthony Pasquin] (1754-1818)

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Date: 1790

"'Tis thus the arch deceiver, busy still / To ruin man, besets the female heart, / Insinuates evil counsel, and inflames / The hungry passions, that like arid flax / Catch at a spark, and mount into a blaze."

— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)

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Date: 1790

"The passions heated, reason strives in vain; / Her empire's lost, and the distracted soul / Becomes the sport of devils, wholly bent / To turn and wind it in a world of sin."

— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)

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Date: 1790

"'Tis God's decree engrav'd upon the heart / To make us wait with patience, till he comes, / Undraws the curtain, and dispels the gloom, / And takes us to his bosom, and rewards / Our constancy and truth."

— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.