Date: 1728
"While Love, recording with a keener Dart, / Engrav'd each Token deeper on my Heart!"
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1728
"I think / I'ad e'en as good take up with Ink: / On second Thoughts too, 'cause 'tis black, / It seems the very thing I lack, / For I am apt to think his Soul / Is somewhat darker than a Coal."
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1729
"Secondly, 'Tis just matter of wonder & astonishment that ever one spark of faith was kindled in such an heart as thine is; [end page 124] an heart which had no predisposition or inclination in the least to believe; yea, it was not rasa tabula, like clean paper, void of any impression of f...
preview | full record— Flavell, John (bap. 1630, d. 1691)
Date: 1730
"I obliterated all former Notions received from Education, Discourse, or Reading, in Relation to Actions or Characters of any Persons or Parties; and turned my Mind into a Rasa Tabula, that the Impressions I should receive from this more accurate Examination I was going to begin, might n...
preview | full record— Baker, Richard, Sir (c. 1568-1645)
Date: April 30, 1730
"Nay, the very insipid phlegm, and even the caput mortuum of the brain, after this chemical operation, being mixed with ink, and spred upon paper, have the same combustible, noisy qualities, with the spirits themselves."
preview | full record— Richard Russel and John Martyn
Date: 1730
"The former of these, our Free-thinkers, out of their singular wisdom, and benevolence to makind, endeavour to erase from the minds of men."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1731
"And first of all, that the Soul is not a meer Rasa Tabula, a naked and Passive Thing, which has no innate Furniture or Activity its own, nor any thing at all in it, but what was impressed on it from without."
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)
Date: 1731-2
"It is a kind of annihilation to have our minds made a tabula rasa, and to date our existence from a new period."
preview | full record— Jortin, John (1698-1770)
Date: 1731
"That which wholly looks abroad outward upon its Object, is not one with that which it perceives, but is at a distance from it, and therefore cannot Know and Comprehend it; but Knowledge and Intellection doth not meerly look out upon a thing at distance, but makes an Inward Reflection upon the th...
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)
Date: 1731
"For as the Mind of God, which is the Archetypal Intellect, is that whereby he always actually comprehends himself, and his own Fecundity, or the Extent of his own Infinite Goodness and Power; that is, the Possibility of all things; So all Created Intellects being being certain Ectypal Models, or...
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)