Date: 1786, 1787, 1788; 1789
"She can conquer a heart--that she wants sense to keep."
preview | full record— Williams, John [pseud. Anthony Pasquin] (1754-1818)
Date: 1786, 1787, 1788; 1789
"For spells may be said to exist in that tone, / Whose graces can conquer all hearts--but her own."
preview | full record— Williams, John [pseud. Anthony Pasquin] (1754-1818)
Date: 1790
"But let me not thus pond'ring, gaping, stand-- / But, lo, I am not at my own command: / Bed, bosom, kiss, embraces, storm my brains, / And, lawless tyrants, bind my will in chains."
preview | full record— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)
Date: 1790
"The passions join the fierce invading host; / And I and virtue are o'erwhelm'd and lost-- / Passions that in a martingale should move; / Wild horses loosen'd by the hands of Love."
preview | full record— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)
Date: 1790
"With a soldier's care / He plan'd the conquest of Ophelia's heart/ and won it"
preview | full record— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)
Date: 1790
One may have two souls "which, like two mighty Kings, / 'Ever contending for the sov'reignty, / 'Stir up sedition and revolt within"
preview | full record— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)
Date: 1790
"[M]y conquer'd heart / 'Has nothing noble or aspiring in it"
preview | full record— Hurdis, James (1763-1801)
Date: 1792
"Ah me! the passion that my soul misled / Was check'd, not conquer'd; buried, but not dead."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1801
Time and absence join'd may chase the soft invader from the mind
preview | full record— Pye, Henry James (1745-1813)