Date: 1762
"Yet, if too soon this transient Pleasure fly, / A Charm more lasting shall the Loss supply: / While Harmony, with each attractive Grace, / Plays in the fair Proportions of her Face; / Where each soft Air, engaging and serene, / Beats Measure to the well-tun'd Mind within."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1762
"Whence Order, Elegance, and Beauty move / Each finer sense, that tunes the Mind to Love; / Whence all that Harmony and Fire that join, / To form a Temper, and a Soul like thine."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: w. 1748, 1762
"Vain is alike the Joy we seek, / And vain what we possess, / Unless harmonious Reason tunes / The Passions into Peace."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: w. 1748, 1762
"To temper'd Wishes, just Desires, / Is happiness confin'd, / And deaf to Folly's Call, attends / The Music of the mind."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1762
Friendship her soft harmonious Touch affords, / And gently strikes the sympathetic Chords, / Th' agreeing Notes in social Measures roll, / And the sweet Concert flows from Soul to Soul."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1762
"Where, to the Beam of intellectual Day, / The genuine Charms of moral Beauty play: / With pleasing Force the strong Attractions move / Each finer Sense, and tune it into Love."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1763 (repr. 1776); 1794 (repr. 1799)
"The power which the mind evidently has of moving the various parts of the body by nerves inserted in the muscles is truly wonderful, seeing the mind neither knows the muscles to be moved, nor the machinery, by which the motion in it is to be produced: so that it is as if a musician should always...
preview | full record— Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
Date: 1766
"Mute is each Syren Passion's faithless song / Check'd and suspended by the solemn scene: / Mute the wild clamours of the giddy throng, / And only heard the "still small voice" within."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1773
"Smooth like her verse her passions learned to move, / And her whole soul was harmony and love."
preview | full record— Barbauld, Anna Letitia [née Aikin] (1743-1825)
Date: 1775
"[T]here may be a farther difference in the constitution of the nerves belonging to the different senses, or there may be so many circumstances that affect or modify their vibrations, that they may be as distinguishable from one another, as different human voices sounding the same note; and proba...
preview | full record— Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804)