Date: 1703
"The true, substantial Wealth is lodg'd within; / 'Tis there the brightest Gems are found: / Such as wou'd great and glorious Treasures win, Treasures which theirs for ever will remain, / Must Piety and Wisdom strive to gain."
preview | full record— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)
Date: 1718
"Set forth your Edict, let it be enjoyn'd, / That all defective Species be recoyn'd: / R---r and E---r---t are Judges fit / To oversee the Stamping of our Wit."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1723, 1740
"Those slighted Favours which cold Nymphs dispense, / Mere common Counters of the Sense, / Defective both in Mettle and in Measure, / A Lover's Fancy coins into a Treasure."
preview | full record— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)
Date: 1724
"Thy fears are the wild coinage of thy fancy."
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1729
"To Coin, like Man, a little Ape, / 'Gainst Heaven is High-Treason"
preview | full record— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Date: 1738, 1739
"Then 'tis not all--with Notions to be fraught, / By Fancy coin'd, or by the Senses caught."
preview | full record— Bancks, John (1709-1751)
Date: 1738, 1739
"Like Twigs, entrusted to the Planter's Pains, / Who prunes, engrafts, indulges, or restrains, / Till in the Garden Ornament they yield, / And Fruit, which else had cumber'd up the Field: / Or that rich Ore we from the Indies bring, / Which bears, refin'd, the Image of the King; / But mix'd for-e...
preview | full record— Bancks, John (1709-1751)
Date: 1739
"Hourly within my Breast renew / This holy Flame, this heav'nly Fire; / And Day and Night be all my Care / To guard this sacred Treasure there."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1742
"Thought in the mine may come forth gold or dross; / When coin'd in word, we know its real worth. / If sterling, store it for thy future use; / 'Twill buy thee benefit; perhaps, renown."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: 1744
"The soul's high price / Is writ in all the conduct of the Skies."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)