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Date: 1777

"Pale-eyed Affright, his heart of silver hue, / In vain essayed her bosom to acale."

— Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)

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Date: 1777

"The greedy Creditor, whose flinty breast / The iron hand of Avarice hath press'd, / Who never own'd Humanity's soft claim"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1777

"Where dwells the soul against Compassion steel'd, / Or who disdains the generous tear to yield?"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1777

"Courage, the warrior's bosom steel'd."

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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Date: 1777

"But though this inevitable alloy of weakness may frequently be found in the best characters, yet how can that be the source of triumph and exaltation to any, which, if properly weighed, must be the deepest motive of humiliation to all?"

— More, Hannah (1745-1833)

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Date: 1777

"To conclude; Genius is a rare and precious gem, of which few know the worth; it is fitter for the cabinet of the connoisseur, than for the commerce of mankind."

— More, Hannah (1745-1833)

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Date: 1779

"Then steel your mind, to bear the story's horror."

— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)

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Date: 1779, 1781

"Truth indeed is always truth, and reason is always reason; they have an intrinsick and unalterable value, and constitute that intellectual gold which defies destruction: but gold may be so concealed in baser matter that only a chymist can recover it; sense may be so hidden in unrefined and plebe...

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: January 1, 1779

"There [to Heaven's Regions] when the soul, in search of purer day, / Loos'd from mortality's impris'ning clay / Shall swifter than the forked lightning dart."

— Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805)

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Date: June 5, 1780

"Some, though they wish it, are not steel'd enough, / Nor is each would-be villain conscience-proof."

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.