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Date: 1763 (repr. 1776); 1794 (repr. 1799)

"Sensible ideas gradually decay in the memory if they be not refreshed by new sensations; the traces perhaps wearing out: yet they may last many years."

— Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)

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Date: 1763 (repr. 1776); 1794 (repr. 1799)

"The analogy upon this hypothesis between sensation and memory, the one arising from impressions made on the brain, the other depending on traces continued there."

— Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)

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Date: w. 1764

"Take the bloody seal I give thee, / Deep impressed upon thy soul."

— Cowper, William (1731-1800)

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Date: 1765 [1764]

"Alone in so dismal a place, her mind imprinted with all the terrible events of the day, hopeless of escaping, expecting every moment the arrival of Manfred, and far from tranquil on knowing she was within reach of somebody, she knew not whom, who for some cause seemed concealed thereabouts,...

— Walpole, Horatio [Horace], fourth earl of Orford (1717-1797)

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Date: 1765

"Reason in the bosom pours, / Its growth improves, its fruit matures, / Each counsel of the human brain / Weighs in his scale, and stamps it vain?"

— Merrick, James (1720-1769)

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Date: 1765

"The man is blessed, as he prays, / Whose reins thy strength receive, / And in whose heart thy word and ways / A deep impression leave."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1765

"All my Sins destroy, devour, / And all my Soul transform: / Now apply Thy Spirit's Seal; / O come quickly from above, / Empty me of Self, and fill / With all the Life of Love."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1765

"And in this I am warranted by the example of ancient Rome; where, as Cicero informs us, the very boys were obliged to learn the twelve tables by heart, as a carmen necessarium or indispensable lesson, to imprint on their tender minds an early knowledge of the laws and constitution of their count...

— Blackstone, William (1723-1780)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"When of old / Arcadia's peaceful shepherds uncontroul'd / Their ranging flocks thro' boundless pastures drove, / Or tun'd their pipes beneath the myrtle grove, / Their laws on brazen tablets unimprest / Were deeply grav'd on each ingenuous breast, / No proud Vicegerent of Astrea reign'd, / Astre...

— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)

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Date: 1766, 1806

"WITH falsehood lurking in thy sordid breast, / And perj'ry's seal upon thy heart imprest, / Dar'st thou, Oh Christian! brave the sounding waves, / The treach'rous whirlwinds, and untrophied graves?"

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.