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Date: 1710, 1714

"Can there be Strength of Mind; can there be Command over one's self; if the Ideas of Pleasure, the Suggestions of Fancy, and the strong Pleadings of Appetite and Desire are not often withstood, and the Imaginations soundly reprimanded, and brought under Subjection?"

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"This indeed is but too certain; That as long as we enjoy a Mind; as long as we have Appetites and Sense, the Fancys of all kinds will be hard at work; and whether we are in company, or alone, they must range still, and be active. They must have their Field. The Question is, Whether they shall ha...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"For if Fancy be left Judg of any thing, she must be Judg of all. Every thing is right, if any thing be so, because I fancy it."

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"Every Man indeed who is not absolutely beside himself, must of necessity hold his Fancys under some kind of Discipline and Management."

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"Either I work upon my Fancys, or They on Me. If I give Quarter, They won't. There can be no Truce, no Suspension of Arms between us. The one or the other must be superiour, and have the Command. For if the Fancys are left to themselves, the G...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"How stands it therefore, in my own Oeconomy, my principal Province and Command? How stand my Fancys? How deal they with me? Or do I take upon me rather to deal with Them? Do I talk, question, arraign? Or am I talk'd with, arraign'd, and contented to hear, without giving a Reply? If I vote with F...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710, 1714

"Fancy in the mean while carry'd her point: For she was absolute over the Monarch; and had been too little talk'd to by her-self, to bear being reprov'd in Company. The Prince grew sullen; turn'd the Discourse; abhor'd the Profanation offer'd to his Sovereign-Empress; deliver'd up his Thoughts to...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1710

"He was confirm'd in his Conjecture, when he heard the beautiful Virgin (after having by a Pressure of her Hand to her Breast, re-seated that lovely Heart in its native Throne) caress and embrace the melancholly Beauty whom he found to be Solitude, who then lifted up her languishing...

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1710

"Blows only pass 'twixt Porters and their Trulls, / Where brutish Rage, instead of Reason, rules, / Those of our Rank, altho' the Cause be great, / Should scorn to jar at such a scoundrel Rate."

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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Date: 1710

When passion cools, "Reason may again bear Rule"

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.