Date: 1692
"Methinks a generous Indignation should break so hated a Chain, since 'tis so preposterous and base, to make the Sov'raign of the mind, Reason, the Slave to every motion of the most inconsiderable part of our Body I know you a great stickler for Liberty, and Property, but you ought first to pull ...
preview | full record— Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)
Date: 1692
"I tell you, Madam, Love in my Breast is with greater difficulty remov'd, than Foreign Aids out of the distressed Kingdom they are call'd in to assist; Love has subdued me all, and I am entirely a Slave."
preview | full record— Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)
Date: 1692
"The Anatomy therefore of Man (concluded I) both as to Mind, and Body is a filthy Curiosity, as he observes, where one must besmeer ones self with Blood to trace the intricate Menaders of each Nerve, and Motion, and all the private Kingdom of Veins, and Arteries; by which the Mind as well as Body...
preview | full record— Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)
Date: 1692
"Must a Man be forc'd to humble himself with a paltry Servility, even to Adoration, to be subject to Multiplicity of Cares, to weary his Mind in the Government of his Passions, and turmoil his Body with amorous Fatigues, and instead of a Reward for all this, shall he forc'd to purchase his Refres...
preview | full record— Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)
Date: 1693
"Needless was written law, where none opprest; / The law of man was written in his breast."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1693
"Who can describe the Pleasures, which attend A fair kind She, a Bottle, and a Friend? / How they divide the Empire of our Souls, / While each with grateful Tyranny controuls"
preview | full record— Ames, Richard (bap. 1664?, d. 1692)
Date: 1693
"Reason you plead, if you it seems t'acquit, / But if condemn'd, its Vote you won't admit. / But still, if private Reason you pretend / Must be the Judge, Disputes will never end."
preview | full record— Wesley, Samuel, The Elder (bap. 1662, d. 1735)
Date: 1693
"But if thy Passions lord it in thy Breast, / Art thou not still a Slave, and still opprest."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1694, 1704
"If we govern ourselves in the use of sensual delight, by the Laws of God and reason, we shall find ourselves more at ease than if we should let loose the reins to our appetites and lusts."
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630–1694)
Date: 1694, 1704
"Present peace and satisfaction of mind, and unexpressible joy and pleasure flowing from the testimony of a good conscience."
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630–1694)