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Date: 1705, 1715

In Elections "A Man who must not make the least Pretence / To judge by Reason, or be rul'd by Sence"

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1706, 1709

"We are a little Kingdom; But the Man / That chains his Rebel Will to Reasons Throne, / Forms it a large one."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1706, 1709

"But Charms so much divine / Hold a long Empire of the Heart."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1706 [1707]

"The Man that's Resolute and Just, / Firm to his Principles and Trust, / Nor Hopes, nor Fears can blind; / No Passions his Designs controll, / Not Love, that Tyrant of the Soul, / Can shake his steddy Mind."

— Walsh, William (bap. 1662, d. 1708)

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Date: 1707, 1710

"Reason will judge, when both their Claims produce."

— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)

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Date: 1707, 1710

"So can the pow'rful Grape our Reason cheat, / And o'er our giddy Fancy reign."

— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)

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Date: 1707

"There [in a softer mind] shall his sacred spirit dwell, / And deep engrave his law, / And every motion of our souls / To swift obedience draw."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: January 29, 1708

"[I]f thou wilt prolong / Dire Compotation, forthwith Reason quits / Her Empire to Confusion, and Misrule, / And vain Debates"

— Philips, John (1676-1709)

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Date: 1709 [1708]

"With Wishes rais'd, with Jealousies opprest / (Alternate Tyrants of the Human Breast) / By one great Tryal He resolves to prove / The Faith of Woman, and the Force of Love."

— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)

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Date: w. c. 1704, 1709

"Provided still, you moderate your Joy, / Nor in your Pleasures all your Might employ: / Let Reason's Rule your strong Desires abate, / Nor please too lavishly your gentle Mate."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.