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Date: April 20, 1796

"Ere yet we were, / Our finer tones of mind some guardian spirit / Touch'd into harmony; and, when we met, / Th' according strings struck forth a sound so sweet, / That heav'n itself might listen! love! ev'n love, / That brand of discord, burns within our bosoms, / Pale—cold—before the steady fla...

— Lee, Sophia (bap. 1750, d. 1824)

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Date: 1813

In female hearts "genuine virtue" may glow and not that "stern passion, that unlovely flame, / which sear'd the bosom of the Spartan dame"

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1813

British nymphs even while "their bosoms own the tender fire, / Their generous minds can check each fond desire"

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1820

"Thou think'st we will live through thee, one by one, / Like animal life, and though we can obscure not / The soul which burns within, that we will dwell / Beside it, like a vain loud multitude / Vexing the self-content of wisest men."

— Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.