Date: 1755
"When the mind is unchained from necessity, it will range after convenience; when it is left at large in the fields of speculation, it will shift opinions; as any custom is disused, the words that expressed it must perish with it; as any opinion grows popular, it will innovate speech in the same ...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1755
"Then shall my cruel Foe, abash'd, recede, / Finding his artful Snares are vainly spread. / Of rolling Years, eleven are past in Pain, / Since I was doom'd to wear the galling Chain: / The Chain which am'rous Minds are forc'd to bear, / Still to the most Submissive, most severe."
preview | full record— Masters, Mary (1694-1771)
Date: 1758
"Fortune is an evil Chain to the Body; and Vice, to the Soul. For he whose Body is unbound, and whose Soul is chained, is a Slave. On the contrary, he whose Body is chained, and his Soul unbound, is free."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1758
"The Chain of the Body, Nature unbinds by Death; and Vice, by Money: the Chain of the Soul, Virtue unbinds, by Learning, and Experience, and philosophic Exercise."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1759
"But the Nets woven by the human Imagination, altho' they are composed of the smallest Materials, are perhaps full as difficult to be broken as the strongest real Bonds"
preview | full record— Fielding, Sarah (1710-1768)
Date: 1759
"Lady Dellwyn now felt herself bound in the most whimsical Chain, made only by her own Imagination, which had imposed on her the Belief that she was bereft of all Liberty of breaking off her Acquaintance with Lord Clermont.
preview | full record— Fielding, Sarah (1710-1768)
Date: 1759
"If I am accidentally left alone for a few hours, said he, my inveterate persuasion rushes upon my soul, and my thoughts are chained down by some irresistible violence, but they are soon disentangled by the prince's conversation, and instantaneously released at the entrance of Pekuah."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: December 29, 1759
"But as we advance forward into the crowds of life, innumerable delights sollicit our inclinations, and innumerable cares distract our attention; the time of youth is passed in noisy frolicks; manhood is led on from hope to hope, and from project to project; the dissoluteness of pleasure, the ine...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1760
"That the young sorcerer's fatal hand / Should round my soul his pleasing fetters tie."
preview | full record— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)
Date: 1760?
The Grace teaches "On the Subject when to be / Grave or gay, reserv'd or free: / The speaking Air, th' impassion'd Eye, / The living Soul of Symmetry; / And that soft Sympathy that binds / In magic Chains congenial Minds."
preview | full record— Langhorne, John (1735-1779)