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Date: 1675

"True faith within, doth but apply, / Unto the soul, the soveraign remedy; / 'Tis as a door, or like a window bright, / Which to dark souls lets in the precious light"

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1675

"Who th' Image yet unborn did entertain, / And hous'd the Theater within his Brain."

— Leigh, Richard (1649/50-1728)

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Date: 1675

"The Intellectual Theater appear'd, / As in the Fancy by a Builder rear'd."

— Leigh, Richard (1649/50-1728)

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Date: 1675

"Many such Theaters lodge in that Breast, / Where this at largest, a small space possest."

— Leigh, Richard (1649/50-1728)

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Date: 1679

"Mourn therefore that this Cabinet of thine / Framed by Gods own hand for things divine, / And to be fill'd with Christ and Grace should be / Thus stufft with dross, and dung, and vanitie."

— Slater, Samuel (c.1629-1704)

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Date: 1679

"How can'st thou, cruel Soul, thus let me stand, / Barr'd out of Doors, whilst others do command / The choicest Room within thy yielding Breast, / Lodgings too good for such destructive Guests."

— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)

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Date: 1680

Bacchus may have "Legal Right" to do Morpheus job and "lock up each mans Brain: / Since every Room / His own Goods did contain, / And was his proper Wine-Cellar become."

— Darby, Charles (bap. 1635, d.1709)

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Date: 1681

"O who shall, from this Dungeon, raise / A Soul inslav'd so many wayes?"

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

All the "lodgings" of the mind may be "Compos'd into one Gallery."

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1683

"And first, the Presence-Chamber, where does rest, / In fitting state, the Monarch of the breast."

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.