Date: 1754
"Our souls are stampt with God's own image, to this very end, that we should give them in tribute to him, by perfect love: 'render then to God the things that are God's'; by daily offering your whole souls up to him, by fervent acts of love; and you shall have given him your gold."
preview | full record— Challoner, Richard (1691-1781)
Date: 1756-9
"From their cradle she instilled into them the most perfect maxims of piety, and contempt of the world. the ancient Romans dreaded nothing more in the education of youth than their being ill taught the first principles of the sciences; it being more difficult to unlearn the errours then imbibed, ...
preview | full record— Butler, Alban (1709-1773)
Date: 1761
"Soft pity may touch the manly Breast, / And on thy soul mild Nature's stamp imprest"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1761
"Ye Pow'rs above my Breast with courage steel, / That when the Hour arrives, I may not feel / A Mother's weakness melting this sad Heart"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"WITH falsehood lurking in thy sordid breast, / And perj'ry's seal upon thy heart imprest, / Dar'st thou, Oh Christian! brave the sounding waves, / The treach'rous whirlwinds, and untrophied graves?"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"Let this pervade at length thy heart of steel; / Yet, yet return, nor blush, Oh man! to feel."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"Say, from thy mind canst thou so soon remove / The records pencil'd by the hand of love?"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"Too fatal proof! since thou, with av'rice fraught, / Didst basely urge (ah! shun the wounding thought!) / That tender circumstance--reveal it not, / Lest torn with rage I curse my fated lot: / Lest startled Reason abdicate her reign, / And Madness revel in this heated brain."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"From hands unscepter'd take the scornful blow? / Uproot the thoughts of glory as they grow?"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1770, 1806
"Nor pride nor fickleness could claim / The empire of his mind."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)