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Date: 1661

"These are but objects at a distance, these / Are but refreshments, and to give you ease, / To make thy Way the sweeter, till thou art / Hid in the Closet of Sophia's Heart."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1661

"On this attracting Face our Pilgrim throws / His eyes, his Soul thorow those windows goes"

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1661

"He [Satan] sew'd his Tares of Errors, and did blind / With clouds of darknesse, Man's true eye, the Mind."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1661

"This doth the understanding purge; the eye / O'th' Soul, the Mind from Motes do purifie."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1661

"On this the King pitched his Mind's clear eye, / When he cry'd out, all things are vanity."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1661

"Such were Love's Ardors, he could scarce forbear / His fettering flesh, his free Soul's chaines, to tear."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1674, 1686

"For Fancy's like a rough, but ready Horse, / Whose mouth is govern'd more by skill than force; / Wherein (my Friend) you do a Maistry own, / If not particular to you alone; /Yet such at least as to all eyes declares /Your Pegasus the best performs his Ayres."

— Cotton, Charles (1630-1687)

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Date: 1681

"Some livelier spark of heaven, and more refined / From earthly dross, fills the great poet's mind."

— Duke, Richard (1658-1711)

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Date: 1681

The Soul "sup[s] above, and cannot stay / To bait so long upon the way"

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

"None can chain a mind / Whom this sweet chordage cannot bind."

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.