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Date: 1709, 1714

"The Forgers of such Morals have been amply endow'd: and the World has paid roundly for its Philosophy; since the original plain Principles of Humanity, and the simple honest Precepts of Peace and mutual Love, have, by a sort of spiritual Chymists, been so sublimated, as to become the highest Cor...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1709, 1714

"For this is the Effect, and this the Beauty of their Art; 'in vocal Measures of Syllables, and Sounds, to express the Harmony and Numbers of an inward kind; and represent the Beautys of a human Soul, by proper Foils, and Contrarietys, which serve as Graces in this Limning, and render this Musick...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1709, 1714

"We may imagine what we please of a substantial solid Part of Beauty: but were the Subject to be well criticiz'd, we shou'd find, perhaps, that what we most admir'd, even in the Turn of outward Features, was but a mysterious Expression, and a kind of shadow of something inward in the Temper."

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1709, 1714

"They who overlook the main Springs of Action, and despise the Thought of Numbers and Proportion in a Life at large, will in the mean Particulars of it, be no less taken up, and engag'd; as either in the Study of common Arts, or in the Care and Culture of mere mechanick Beautys. The Models of Hou...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: 1709, 1714

"The Specter still will haunt us, in some Shape or other: and when driven from our cool Thoughts, and frighted from the Closet, will meet us even at Court, and fill our Heads with Dreams of Grandure, Titles, Honours, and a false Magnificence and Beauty; to which we are ready to sacrifice our high...

— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)

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Date: Thursday, July 14, to Saturday, July 16, 1709

"Her countenance is the lively picture of her mind, which is the seat of honour, truth, compassion, knowledge, and innocence."

— Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison

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Date: From Tuesd. Aug. 9. to Thursday Aug. 11. 1709

"We must take our Minds a Note or two lower, or we shall be tortur'd by Jealousy or Anger."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: From Thursd. Aug. 11. to Saturd. Aug. 13. 1709

"There is therefore an assiduous Care and Cultivation to be bestowed upon our Passions and Affections; for they, as they are the Excrescencies of our Souls, like our Hair and Beards, look horrid or becoming, as we cut or let 'em grow."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: From Thursd. Aug. 25. to Saturd. Aug. 27. 1709

"Forgive me, Madam, it is not that my Heart is weary of its Chain, but—This incoherent Stuff was answer'd by a tender Sigh, Why do you put your Wit to a week Woman?"

— Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison

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Date: From Thursd. Dec. 15. to Saturd. Dec. 17. 1709

"I am sure I feel it in so extraordinary a Manner, that I cannot in a Day or Two get out of my Imagination any very beautiful or disagreeable Impression which I receive on such Occasions."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.