Date: 1713
"The Rafters sink, and bury'd with his Coin / That Fate does with his living Thoughts combine; / For still his Heart's inclos'd within a Golden Mine."
preview | full record— Finch [née], Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"Oh, Melliora! didst thou but know the thousandth Part of what this Moment I endure, the strong Convulsions of my warring Thoughts, thy Heart, steel'd as it is, and frosted round with Virtue, wou'd burst its icy Shield, and melt in Tears of Blood, to pity me."
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1736
"To live without Restraint, is to live indeed, cry'd she, and I no longer wonder, that the free Mind finds it so difficult to yield to those Fetters, Priests and Philosophers would bind it in, and which were never forged by, nor are consistent with Reason."
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1754
"The mind of man does often what princes and states have done. It gives a currency to brass and copper coined in the several philosophical and theological mints, and raises the value of gold and silver above that of their true standard."
preview | full record— St John, Henry, styled first Viscount Bolingbroke (1678-1751)
Date: 1767
"Love has made me stout and strong; /Has given me a charm, / Will not suffer me to fall; / Has steel'd my heart, and nerv'd my arm, / To guard my precious all."
preview | full record— Garrick, David (1717-1779)