Date: 1724
"That fiery thought / Glows in my breast; and as I weigh my wrongs, / I swell like Ætna, when her sulph'rous rage / Bursts o'er the earth, and rolls in floods of fire."
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"This last night's blessing crown'd my warmest wish, / And kindling fancy from the thought takes fire!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"'Tis a warm thought, and fires the mounting soul!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"To gain the unbeliever to my wishes, / I stirr'd his temper with such cautious art, / That, ere his judgment cou'd exert its phlegm, / His blood took ferment from a warmth of passion: / Then, while his fi'ry spirit flam'd with rage, / In its full heat, I stamp'd it with revenge."
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"All my fierce passions rise with that reflection, / Inward they rage--a winding train takes fire, / The flashy blaze runs swift thro' ev'ry vein, / And my brain splits with agony!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"When honour lights up love, / Th' illumin'd soul burns lambent with a flame, / Pure as the hallow'd altars--Such my hope!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"My flame revives!--each fit comes stronger on me! / Varying convulsions torture every nerve! / I love! I rage!--hate--fear--and love again! / And burn, and die with a whole war of passions!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)
Date: 1724
"Ha!--what a shoot was there!--my blood boils in me! / Flames wind about my breast--my brain burns red, / And my eyes swim in a blue sea of sulphur!"
preview | full record— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)