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Date: 1911

"The colloid minds are sticky, glutinous, and mussy."

— Lewis, Edwin Herbert (1866-1938)

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Date: 1911

"Sleep scatters you; sensations come storming along into the dreamer's mind, and he is a prey to each in turn."

— Lewis, Edwin Herbert (1866-1938)

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Date: 1911

"You are no longer the slave of those successive atoms into which sleep divides you."

— Lewis, Edwin Herbert (1866-1938)

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Date: 1911

"Sensations rain in on you as in a dream, but you suppress all but what are useful for your conscious purpose."

— Lewis, Edwin Herbert (1866-1938)

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Date: 1911

"A friend may almost literally pour out his soul into our waiting ears, or we may almost literally read it in his eyes."

— Lewis, Edwin Herbert (1866-1938)

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Date: 1912

"Famous garden where the passion, / Bursting first disclosed the morn / Whose effulgent, beaming glory / Cleft old Chaos, brain and spine; / Lit up incense burning shrine, / In the heart of man for Eve."

— Beadle, Samuel Alfred (1857-1932)

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Date: 1912

"Could we deftly lift the curtain / Which the cunning serpent draws, / Like the veil of night about us, / We would find that paradise, / Like a flower in winter, lies / 'Neath the stubbles of our souls."

— Beadle, Samuel Alfred (1857-1932)

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Date: 1912

"Who does not harbor in his breast / The fruitage of forbidden things / Culled from beauty's lips and heart, / And folded in between the leaves / Of memory's roll of reveries."

— Beadle, Samuel Alfred (1857-1932)

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Date: November 1914

"Sorrow like a ceaseless rain / Beats upon my heart."

— Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950)

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Date: November 1914

"All my thoughts are slow and brown."

— Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.