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Date: 1800

"Her mind was indeed more fertile than my own in those topics which take away its keenest edge from affliction."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1800

"I merely write to allay those tumults which our necessary separation produces; to aid me in calling up a little patience, till the time arrives, when our persons, like our minds, shall be united forever."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: w. c. 1800, 1805

"These sudden eruptions of the passions of the multitude, spread, like the lava of a volcano, throughout all France, nor could men of correct judgment, who aimed only at reform of abuses, and a renovation in all the departments, check the fury of the torrent."

— Warren, Mercy Otis (1728-1814)

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Date: 1811

"But the temple of human nature has two great apartments: the intellectual and the moral."

— Adams, John (1735-1826)

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Date: 1811

"If there is not a mutual friendship and strict alliance between these [two apartments], degradation to the whole building must be the consequence."

— Adams, John (1735-1826)

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Date: 1820

"And they [Stewart, Tracy, Cabanis] ask why may not the mode of action called thought, have been given to a material organ of peculiar structure, as that of magnetism is to the needle, or of elasticity to the spring by a particular manipulation of the steel."

— Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)

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Date: 1820

"When I meet with a proposition beyond finite comprehension, I abandon it as I do a weight which human strength cannot lift, and I think ignorance, in these cases, is truly the softest pillow on which I can lay my head."

— Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)

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Date: 1829

"Death is only the removal of an immortal soul from dead matter, which many have considered merely as a clog to the soul."

— Balfour, Walter (1776-1852)

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Date: 1829

"And if the man is as complete without the body, as he is without the house he resides in, the immortal soul ought to be thankful when it gets quit of the body."

— Balfour, Walter (1776-1852)

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Date: 1831

Prayer, "the incense of the heart may rise / To heaven, and find acceptance there."

— Pierpont, John (1785-1866)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.