Date: 1892
"Remorse is cureless,—the disease / Not even God can heal; / For 't is his institution,-- / The complement of hell."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"The body grows outside,-- / The more convenient way,-- / That if the spirit like to hide, / Its temple stands alway // Ajar, secure, inviting."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"Behold the atom I preferred / To all the lists of clay!"
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"Futile the winds / To a heart in port,-- / Done with the compass, / Done with the chart."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"Grant me, O Lord, a sunny mind, / Thy windy will to bear!"
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"The broadest land that grows / Is not so ample as the breast / These emerald seams enclose."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"One need not be a chamber to be haunted, / One need not be a house; / The brain has corridors surpassing / Material place."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1892
"Winds of summer fields / Recollect the way,-- / Instinct picking up the key / Dropped by memory."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1893
A woman's nature "is like a great house full of rooms ... and in the innermost room, the holy of holies, the soul sits alone and waits for a footstep that never comes."
preview | full record— Wharton, Edith (1862-1937)
Date: 1893
"Thy mind is like a crystal brook / Wherein clean creatures live at ease / In sun-bright waves or shady nook."
preview | full record— Gilder, Richard Watson (1844-1809)