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Date: May 28, 2016

"It occurred to me that of all mind-boiling aspects of the current presidential race, the worst part was arguing with people whom I considered friends."

— Flores, Jake

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Date: July 27, 2016

"But, gradually, I found myself caught up in the flow of the thing, gliding in my mind around every bend in the river, riding a raft with someone who knows where all the snags and sunken rocks of public life are."

— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)

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Date: February 18, 2017

"So we're stuck in Trump's head with him. ... It's a very cluttered place to be, a fine-tuned machine spewing a torrent of chaos, cruelty, confusion, farce and transfixing craziness."

— Dowd, Maureen (b. January 14, 1952)

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Date: October 137, 2017

"But, because political campaigns occasionally can be wonderful bathyspheres to your soul’s dark abyss, we are learning that Moore’s is plenty deep and plenty dark."

— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)

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Date: June 16, 2018

"Throughout that summer and into the fall, floating in a pool of cheap beer, just below the surface of my semiconsciousness, was the constant thought: Maybe I won't wake up this time."

— Powers, Kevin (b. 1980)

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Date: February 21, 2019

"It was a place where she knew what was going to happen, a place where she would always choose the right side, where the failure was in history and not in herself, where she did not read the wrong writers, was not seized with surges of enthusiasm for the wrong leaders, did not eat the wrong anima...

— Lockwood, Patricia

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Date: September 2; September 6, 2019

"I began to recoil from guitar riffs in favor of guitarscapes, from twangs in favor of horns, from back beat in favor of space, and, in large part, from the effluent of my own mind and problems, in favor of trying to interpret the poetry of others."

— Pop, Iggy [James Newell Osterberg, Jr.] (b. April 21, 1947)

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Date: 2019

"When I try to drown my thoughts in gin / I find my worst ideas know how to swim."

— Berman, David (1967-2019)

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Date: May 28, 2023

"This is an acid bath for human cognition"

— Klein, Ezra (b. May 9, 1984)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.