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Date: December 13, 2010

"Like butterflies with frayed wings, thoughts fly at me in random and rapid succession."

— Oates, Joyce Carol (b. 1938)

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Date: May 21, 2011

"My thoughts turn into the cowbirds wandering among the horses’ hooves."

— Klinkenbourg, Verlyn (b. 1952)

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Date: 2012

"Serpents in my mind / Looking for your crimes."

— Sharon Van Etten (b. February 26, 1981)

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Date: December 20, 2014

"Further, just as the human stomach -- unlike the termite's -- can't digest wood, so there are some things our brains just aren't capable of knowing."

— Kaplan, Eric

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Date: April 30, 2014

"It is because you have maggots for a soul, you fucking barbarian."

— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)

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Date: March, 2014

"my good mother, // her mind     a trail of crumbs / in a woods flocked with birds."

— Seibles, Tim (b. 1955)

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Date: March, 2014

"Memory, / a jar of flies. Spin off the lid."

— Seibles, Tim (b. 1955)

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Date: June 18, 2015

"This was not an unthinkable act. A man may have had a rat's nest for a mind, but it was well thought out. It was a cool, considered crime, as well planned as any bank robbery or any computer fraud."

— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)

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Date: 2015

"His thoughts on his back porch surrounded him like a carpet of mice, immobilizing him via his unwillingness to cause them pain. The mice of introspection were as effective as any buffalo herd."

— Zink, Nell (b. 1964)

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Date: April 26, 2016

"It is by this dimension of imaginative relativity that Hogwarts, Middle Earth, Earthsea, Dickens's London, Hemingway's Paris, Didion's anxious California and the mind of Helen Oyeyemi, reclining like a sphinx between her pages in quiet and glittering sleep, all fit inside my tiny apartment, and ...

— Brennan, Summer

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.