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Date: 1988

"The mind is like a bat."

— Wilbur, Richard (1921- )

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Date: 1989

"When the cat hears the doorbell, this must be something going on, literally, in its head, not just in its furry little mind."

— Nagel, Thomas (b. 1937)

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Date: 1999

"A soul was like a worm in an apple, my mother told me."

— Offill, Jenny (b. 1968)

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Date: 1999

"Just as birds are lifted up into the air by their feathers and can remain wherever they wish, the soul in the body is elevated by thought and spreads its wings everywhere."

— Offill, Jenny (b. 1968)

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Date: 1999

"Well, my heart's running 'round like a chicken with its head cut off / All around the barnyard falling in and out of love."

— Stephin Merritt (b. February 9, 1965)

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Date: 1999

"Love is wrapped around my heart / Like a boa constrictor, babe."

— Stephin Merritt (b. February 9, 1965)

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Date: February 20, 2000

"I sometimes fancy that various archetypal situations circled tirelessly in Hitchcock's mind, like whales in a tank at the zoo."

— Ebert, Roger (1942-2013)

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Date: 2002

"Spiders swing through my heart."

— Wright, Charles (b. 1935)

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Date: 2003

"How to hold it all at once, / except by passion's climb, / its rising tides & breathless, / hawk's-eye view?"

— Spaar, Lisa Russ

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Date: 2006

"The reptile brain, creeping out to sun itself."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.