Date: Wednesday, April 30, 1712
"Oh! Love has Fetters stronger far: / By Bolts of Steel are Limbs confined, / But cruel Love enchains the Mind."
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Date: 1722
"Vertues, and Vices, are to Realms confin'd: / And, Climates give a Tincture to the Mind."
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Date: 1722
"Now boiling high / With Injuries;--with Outrages!--that burn, / That set the very suffering Soul on Fire!"
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Date: 1722
"Blush rather, that you are a Slave to Passion; / Subservient to the Wildness of your Will; / Which, like a Whirlwind, tears up all your Vertues; / And gives you not the Leisure to consider."
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Date: 1722
"Consider; Gwendolen, my lasting Passion; / A Passion, that, through Time, takes deeper Root; / A Love, that, spight of Absence, hourly grows; / In spight even of Despair:--Yet, will I not / Despair; since Fortune favours thus my Hopes."
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Date: 1722
"And yet, whate'er I do, my Hopes are blasted. / That this fierce Combat in my Heart were over!"
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)