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Date: 1693

"Yet that lovely Body is but the Shell of a more glorious Inhabitant, and is as far out-shone by that more radiant Gust, which lies within, as your choicest Jewels exceed the lustre of the Cask; which holds them: For her Illustrious mind has got as inexhaustible a store of rare perfections in it,...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1765

"What Sculpture is to a Block of Marble, Education is to a human Soul."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1765

"And as the richest Diamond cannot shoot forth its Lustre, wanting the Lapidary's Skill; so will the latent Virtues of the noblest Mind be bury'd in Obscurity if not call'd forth by Precept, and the Rules of good Manners."

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.