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Date: 1765

"I am apt to think that as Plants are choak'd with too much Moisture, and Lamps with too much Oil; so it happens to the Mind of Man, when it is embarass'd with too much Study and Matter; for being confounded with a great Variety of Things, it loses the Power of extricating itself, and so is rende...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1765

"But when the Soul is stark blind in itself, Knowledge can be of no Use to direct it."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1765

"Human Reason and Discourses, are like a confus'd and barren Matter, until the Grace of God puts them in form, which alone gives them Shape and Value."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1765

"The best Way to prove the Clearness of our Mind is by shewing its Faults; as when a Stream discovers the Dirt at the Bottom, it convinces us of the Transparency and Purity of the Water."

— Anonymous

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Date: December 9-11, 1766

"Fair truth shall chase th' unreal Forms away; / And Reason's piercing Beam restore the Day."

— Anonymous

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Date: January 30, 1770, 1771

"I prove it thus: The mind has no doubt a faculty of comparing objects or ideas; but it is found invariably to judge and act from a preponderancy to that action or opinion which is the most suited to yield it satisfaction present or future: but if this preponderancy depends entirely on the organi...

— Author Unknown

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Date: 1771

"BIAS, or BIASS, in a general sense, the inclination or bent of a person's mind to one thing more than another."

— Author Unknown

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Date: 1771

"That is, let not great examples, or authorities, browbeat they reason into too great a diffidence fo thyself: thyself so reverence, as to prefer the native growth of thy own mind to the richest import from abroad; such borrowed riches make us poor."

— Author Unknown

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Date: 1772

"No inference can give a juster idea of Des Cartes's doctrine of automata, than Mr. Regis's comparison of some hydraulic machines, to be seen in certain grottos and fountains, that serve as ornaments to the splendid mansions of the great; where water exerts itself by the disposition of the pipes,...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1773

"Think'st thou, had Fancy's mirror struck his sight, / And brought thy too degenerate deeds to light; / Had shewn thee curst to such a vicious race, / Whose very breath contaminates the place: / How would his manly heart with grief have died / T'have seen this fatal barrier to his pride?"

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.