Date: 1693
"Whore! (said I) that word I will engrave on thy traiterous Heart; at these words he leapt back and drew, I made at him with a great deal of Fury; but being appeased by some Blood I drew from him, I proffered him again the same conditions of Reconciliation; but his Rage made him deaf to Reason."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1693
"for though your Highness, did make some Addresses to her, which as she told me, served to ruin her the more, yet they would never have proved any advantage to you; since we both thought, that you spoke out of Raillery more than any serious design; besides, in the highest tide of her Passion, she...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1693
'When my Cousin ordered me to tell you her greatest privacies, those of her Love; she did but give the Reins to that passion, which has alwaies been too strong for her, since first the Graces your Highness is master of, reduced her to the condition of a Lover; and I question not, but she has had ...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1694
The imagination of a Mother may imprint any visualized object on the form of her unborn child
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
"If Man would understand the Excellency of the Soul, as far as it is capable of comprehending it self, let him, after serious Recollection, descend into himself, and search diligently his own Mind, and there he shall find so many admirable Gifts, and excellent Ornaments."
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
The soul is "a spark of the Divine Mind" and "a blast of Almighty Breath"
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
"It has caused many disputes amongst the Learned, especially Philosophers, in what part of the Body the Soul chooses to reside."
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
The "Soul of Man is a Divine Ray, infused by God"
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
A "Mothers strange Imaginations, and divers Phantasms" "deform the Body" of her child
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
"Certainly, the joyning of Hearts in a Matrimonial State, is of all conditions the happiest; for then a Man has, whom to unravel his Thoughts to, as well as a sweet Companion in his Labour."
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]