Date: 1694
"It has caused many disputes amongst the Learned, especially Philosophers, in what part of the Body the Soul chooses to reside."
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1712
"In the same manner is the Mind assisted or endangered by the Passions; Reason must then take the Place of Pilot, and can never fail of securing her Charge if she be not wanting to her self."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: January, 1730
"Reason and prudence sit not at the helm, in such a mind, to guide and steer the vessel of its body; but wild fancy and imagination, irregular lust and passion, drive it on the destructive rocks of folly, vice and presumption."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1764
"For when the hostile army rushes in at the windows of the body, and certain battalions of perturbations have so entered the castle of the mind, that the soul is taken captive, as it were, and oppressed beyond measure, sure, by troops of affections proceeding from the senses of seeing, hearing, s...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: October, 1784
"Justice should be a man's governor [...] Reason his secretary, / Judgment his steward."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: March 31, 2009
"We use emotions, the brain's steersman, to assign value to our experiences and to future possibilities, often allowing us to evaluate potential outcomes efficiently and rapidly when information is uncertain."
preview | full record— Aamodt, Sandra; Wang, Sam