Date: 1753
"When Flora sweeps the Table with a Vole, / What Breast so steel'd as Grief can not invade, / To see the Havock on her Beautys made!"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)
Date: 1755
"Or, the Power and Sway which the Soul exercises over them! Ten thousand Reins put into her Hands; yet she manages all, conducts all, without the least Perplexity or the least Irregularity: rather, with a Promptitude, a Consistency, and a Speed, that nothing else can equal!"
preview | full record— Hervey, James (1714-1758)
Date: 1767
"He is now reduced to the greatest want and beggary, he is become a meer tabula rasa, a sheet of blank paper, a page of perfect inanity."
preview | full record— Campbell, Archibald (bap. 1724, d. 1780)
Date: 1767
His existence is now at last in no danger of comminution, but then his powers are absolutely gone and quite evaporated. In a word, he is as dry and empty as a beer barrel after it has been some time set a-broach to a drunken mob at a general election."
preview | full record— Campbell, Archibald (bap. 1724, d. 1780)
Date: 1768
"The deep Philsopher who turns mankind / Quite inside outwards, and dissects the mind, / Wou'd look but whimsical and strangely out, / To grudge some Quack his treatise on the gout."
preview | full record— Wilkie, William (1721-1772)
Date: 1768
"How the history of Utopia holds up in the mirror of fancy, the picture of a well policied state, its arts, its laws, and government?"
preview | full record— Wynne, Edward (1734-1784)
Date: 1779
"All our ideas derived from the senses are confusedly false and illusive; and cannot therefore be supposed to have place in a supreme intelligence: and as the ideas of internal sentiment, added to those of the external senses, compose the whole furniture of human understanding, we may conc...
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: 1779
"A man's natural inclination works incessantly upon him ... The force of the greatest gravity, say the philosophers, is infinitely small, in comparison of that of the least impulse: yet it is certain, that the smallest gravity will, in the end, prevail above a great impulse; because no strokes or...
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: 1780
"When they came to Momus, whom they had chosen umpire, after a careful examination of every performance, he found great fault with Vulcan (what he said of the rest it matters not), for not making a door in his man's breast, to open and let us know what he willed, and thought, and Whether he spoke...
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"His face is ever before my eyes, and his voice still sounding in my ear; for, as the comic poet says, he left a sting in the minds of his hearers."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)