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Date: 1990

"But in the case of her visual experience of a tree, I want to say that she is not aware of, as it were, the mental paint by virtue of which her experience is an experience of seeing a tree."

— Harman, Gilbert (b. 1938)

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Date: 1990

"Some sense datum theorists will object that Eloise is indeed aware of the relevant mental paint when she is aware of an arrangement of color, because these sense datum theorists assert that the color she is aware of is inner and mental and not a property of external objects."

— Harman, Gilbert (b. 1938)

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Date: November 22, 1990

"One is not an immaterial soul, floating around in a machine."

— Sacks, Oliver (b. 1933)

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Date: 1990

"But now I rock a bar stool and I drink for two / Just pondering this time bomb in my mind."

— John Linnell and John Flansbaugh [They Might Be Giants]

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Date: 1991

"Zulu Nation, brothers that's creation; / Minds get flooded, ejaculation -- / Right on the two inch tape."

— Tribe Called Quest [Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, Ali Shaheed Muhammad, Jarobi White]

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Date: 1991

"You soar off to another world, deep in your mind, / But people seem to take that, as being unkind."

— Tribe Called Quest [Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, Ali Shaheed Muhammad, Jarobi White]

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Date: 1992

"The kingdom of the mind, therefore, included not only human understanding and willing, but also human seeing, hearing, feeling, pain, and pleasure."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 1992

"All of us, at one time or another, are inclined to think of the mind as an inner landscape, a more or less mysterious region which needs to be explored and mapped."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 1992

"The geography of the mind is not a simple matter to discover, because its most basic features are a matter of dispute between philosophers. It cannot be explored simply by looking within ourselves at an inward landscape laid out to view"

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 1992

"What we see when we take this inner look will be partly determined by the philosophical viewpoint from which we look, or, we might say, by the conceptual spectacles we may be wearing."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.