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Date: 1922

"I do not fear to face the fact and say, / How darkly-dull my living hours have grown, / My wounded heart sinks heavier than stone, / Because I loved you longer than a day!"

— McKay, Claude (1889-1948)

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Date: 1922

"The mists will shroud me on the utter height, / The salty, brimming waters of my breast / Will mingle with the fresh dews of the night / To bathe my spirit hankering to rest."

— McKay, Claude (1889-1948)

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Date: 1923

"Her mind is like a sundial: It records only pleasantness."

— Wilstach, Frank J.

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Date: 1923

"His heart knocked like a Ford car trying to climb the roof of a Methodist church."

— Wilstach, Frank J.

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Date: September 7, 1923

"It was caparison of mind and cloud / And something given to make whole among / The ruses that were shattered by the large."

— Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955)

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Date: 1923

"It stamps its imprint upon the whole consciousness of man; his qualities and abilities are no longer an organic part of his personality, they are things which he can 'own' or 'dispose of' like the various objects of the external world."

— Lukács, Georg [György] (1885-1971)

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Date: 1924

"But circumstance cannot deepen or lighten the colour of a man’s mind; if we bring anything into the world it is the colour of our minds, and what is the colour of our minds but fate? and what is fate but character?"

— Moore, George Augustus (1852-1933)

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Date: 1925

"A man of action is likely to be a poor thinker, if a thinker at all, while the ideal of the sage, the stoic for instance, is to live detached and to keep his soul motionless like a still lake which impassively mirrors the fleeting skies."

— Ortega y Gasset, José (1883-1955)

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Date: 1926

"But he didn't feel very brave, for the word which was really jiggeting about in his brain was 'Heffalumps.'"

— Milne, A. A. (1882-1956)

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Date: 1926

"Leaving, as the moon releases / Twig by twig the night-entangled trees, / Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves, / Memory by memory the mind--"

— Macleish, Archibald (1892-1982)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.