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Date: 1667

"It's to the Castle of the Heart a Wall / Of Brass: it is a Christians coat of Mail, / How many do for want of it miscarry!"

— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)

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Date: 1667

Conscience "is a cordial Electuary: / And very many good ingredients go / Therein, Meat, Drink, Sleep, Ease, Refreshment too.

— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)

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Date: 1667

"Good Conscience on God it self can roul; / 'Tis Aquavitæ to the swouning soul."

— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)

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Date: 1667

"As a good Conscience; this is they say / A constant Feast; who hath a Conscience good, / Fares well although he have no other Food."

— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)

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Date: 1667

"The heart is Gods peculiar Cabinet, / And Satan knows not what is in it set"

— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)

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Date: 1667

"For, though Man's Soul, and Body are not onely one natural Engine (as some have thought) of whose motions of all sorts, there may be as certain an accompt given, as those of a Watch or a Clock"

— Sprat, Thomas (bap. 1635, d. 1713)

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Date: 1667

"But to do this always, and never be able to write a line without it, though it may be admired by some few pedants, will not pass upon those who know that wit is best conveyed to us in the most easy language; and is most to be admired when a great thought comes dressed in words so commonly receiv...

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1667, 1710

"The Mind of Man is his Eye, by which he is to behold God; now if this Eye be blind, if the Light be Darkness, how great is that Darkness!"

— Janeway, James (1636?-1674)

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Date: 1667, 1710

"If we are not acquainted with God, our Souls serve us to little purpose: It is a causing the Prince, the Soul, to go on Foot, and to serve the Body, which should be as a Servant; it is to let the Candle of the Lord burn out in waste."

— Janeway, James (1636?-1674)

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Date: 1704

"Erect your schemes with as much method and skill as you please; yet, if the materials be nothing but dirt, spun out of your own entrails (the guts of modern brains), the edifice will conclude at last in a cobweb; the duration of which, like that of other spiders’ webs, may be imputed to their be...

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.