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Date: 1816

An "o'erpow'ring spell may, in spite of "all that reason can suggest," maintain "despotic empire o'er [the] breast"

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1816

A woman's conquest of a man's heart may be complete

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1816

"This was love's doing: from my constant heart / The image stampt by him can ne'er depart"

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1816

"'Whate'er thy title, from my grateful heart / 'Ne'er can th' impression of thy zeal depart."

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1816

"Here, true to nature's feelings, find / A living mirror in each mind."

— Story, Robert (1795-1860)

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Date: 1816

"Know, lovely virgin, thy deluding art / Hath lodg'd a thousand scorpions in my breast."

— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)

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Date: 1816

"In my youth's summer I did sing of One, / The wandering outlaw of his own dark mind."

— Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824)

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Date: 1816

"[I]n that Tale I find / The furrows of long thought, and dried-up tears, / Which, ebbing, leave a sterile track behind."

— Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824)

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Date: 1816

"Since my young days of passion--joy, or pain-- / Perchance my heart and harp have lost a string-- / And both may jar."

— Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824)

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Date: 1816

"[H]e can tell / Why Thought seeks refuge in lone caves, yet rife / With airy images, and shapes which dwell / Still unimpaired, though old, in the Soul's haunted cell."

— Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.