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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"Oft curv'd his neck, borne down by injur'd heart-- / Steel'd his torn breast to bear sarcastic dart--"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"It cannot be but Fortitude will feel / And arm her face with flint, her heart with steel!"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"What strange astonishment such Fools must feel / When told her Heart was hard as temper'd steel;"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"These, when impeachments, false, his feelings pain'd, / Authority still strengthen'd--pow'r maintain'd-- / Oft curv'd his neck, borne down by injur'd heart-- / Steel'd his torn breast to bear sarcastic dart--"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"For when his Mind once tasted Wisdom's treat, / Her luscious liquors, and pure mental meat, / His Spirit, raptur'd o'er the rich repast, / Soon shrunk to learn life must so shortly last!"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"Not suffering Souls in fleshly cells to lie, / Like the stall'd ox, or glutton of the stye;"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"But, tho' thy mental eye no Sprites discern,"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

On might not trace "the mazes of her mystic brain / To mark what monsters such deep cells contain / Contriving constant schemes to furnish food, / For breeding Vultures' ever hungry brood!"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"Solicit Fancy from celestial flights, / To wander o'er the World for frail delights / And crowd Imagination's rooms, immense, / With what relates alone to Time and Sense!"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1814, 1816, 1896

"Where'er Imagination's mirror turn'd / Despair's black figure in its focus burn'd."

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.