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Date: 1761

"The great Mr. Locke has resembled the infant mind to a rasa tabula, as he expresses it a clean piece of paper, with no inscriptions, tho' susceptible of them."

— Stiles, Ezra (1727-1795)

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Date: w. May, 1756; 1761

"For these, if I forget my patron's praise, / While bright ideas dance upon my mind, / Ne'er may these eyes behold auspicious days, / May friends prove faithless, and the Muse unkind."

— Fawkes, Francis (1720-1777)

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Date: 1761

"After the cursory view of Nature, which was concluded in my last Lecture, it may not be amiss to examine our own faculties, and see by what means we acquire and treasure up a knowledge of those things; and this is done, I apprehend, by means of the senses, the operations of the mind, and the mem...

— Telescope, Tom [pseud.]

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Date: 1761

"By an idea, then, I mean that image or picture which is formed in the mind, of any thing which we have seen, or even heard talk of; for the mind is so adroit and ready at this kind of painting, that a town, for instance, is no sooner mentioned, but the imagination shapes it into form, and presen...

— Telescope, Tom [pseud.]

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Date: 1761

"By no forc'd laws his passions were confin'd, / For conscience kept his heart, and calm'd his mind / Peace o'er the world her blessed sway maintain'd, / And e'en in desarts smiling Plenty reign'd."

— Telescope, Tom [pseud.]

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Date: 1761

"But now proceed; / Give me more names; these many I have wrote / Deep in the vengeful tablets of my heart."

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1761

"No, thou art all that's elegant and fair, / And perfect upon earth; and Caius happy / Beyond whatever gratitude express'd, / Or fancy drew, when glowing raptures catch / The poet's breast, and set the soul on fire."

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1761

"Why must I only answer thee with sighs? / What is it hangs thus heavy on my heart, / And weighs it down, when it should spring with joy? / Alas! 'tis conscience; 'tis the pride of honour; / 'Tis the severe condition of my fate, / Which makes it ruin to be lov'd by Tullia, / And warns me to suppr...

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1761

"O Love, thou wear'st a smiling Cupid's face, / Till we fond virgins take thee in our arms; / There warm'd, thou grow'st into an ugly fiend, / And strik'st a thousand daggers in our hearts."

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1761

"But now Adversity's refining fire / Melts down the base alloy of earthly passions, / And purifies the temper of the heart."

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.