Date: 1780
"There meet together, adultery, avarice, perjury, and every other vice; the soul is overwhelmed beneath them, and justice, modesty, and virtue are no more: bereft of these, the mind becomes dry and barren, or only teems with savage and brutal extravagance."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"His discourse had not slightly affected me, or grazed the skin alone, but left a deep and mortal wound, and pierced, as it were, to my inmost soul."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"The mind, in my opinion, of every well-disposed man, is like a soft mark, or butt; many are the archers in this life, with their quivers full of speeches of every kind; but few amongst them aim aright: some stretch the cord too tight, and the arrow, sent forth with more force than is necessary, ...
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"But the skilful marksman, like our philosopher, examines first the mark he is to shoot at, with all possible diligence and care, to see whether it be soft or hard, for some are impenetrable; then dipping his arrow, not in poison, like the Scythians, nor in opium, like the Curetes, but in a kind ...
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"The best way therefore is, whilst the mind of the historian is on horseback, for his style to walk on foot, and take hold of the rein, that it may not be left behind."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780
"The mind of the historian should resemble a looking-glass, shining, clear, and exactly true, representing every thing as it really is, and nothing distorted, or of a different form, or colour."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)
Date: 1780-85; in French, 36 vols. 1749-1788
"Is it difficult to perceive that our ideas originate from our senses alone; that the objects we regard as real existences, are those concerning which the senses uniformly give the same testimony."
preview | full record— Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de (1707-1788)
Date: 1780
"Hast thou no failings of thine own, / No ruling passion in thy breast, / That robs thee of thy balmy rest?"
preview | full record— Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805)
Date: 1780
"Once love gets into a man's head, poor reason is brought before a court-martial of the passions, and cashiered without a hearing"
preview | full record— Pilon, Frederick (1750-1788)
Date: 1780
"And tell our hearts the thing shall be, / And seal it on our conscience now!"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles